Community Gains through Baking with Whole Grains - Bread baking workshop Oct 10 and Oct 24, 1-4pm
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Community Gains through Baking with Whole Grains - Two Classes
Saturday October 10 1-4pm - Standard Bread Saturday October 24 1-4pm - Savor and Sweet Breads
Two systers Co-facilitating this workshop: Farmer Yon and Rose Ann Patterson ReMembering our grandmothers traditions
Opt for healthy, whole grain homemade breads over the sugary supermarket (not local!) loaves. Each week, as the sun rises, something else is rising in our marketplaces as well; the heritage and health of home-baked bread. In less than half an hour, we mix whole grain flours, a little butter, a dab of wild flower honey and the yeast that brings this whole concoction alive. By spreading the flour on the table and plopping the mound of dough onto it, we feel it beneath the heels of our hands pushing it away from us and folding it back again until it feels ready to be put to rest and grow for a few hours.
Explore the flours that best support our health and learn about various flours and their glycemic values. Each participant will learn to bake bread using a simple recipe utilizing spelt flour. Participants will explore and utilize a different variety of recipes to make specialty bread products and take home their own pan of bread.
$40 each class or $70 for both classes, Limited space: Pay at the Sat. Market or pay on the Donate button on the home page of our website: